A man’s gift makes room for him, And brings him before great men.

About Me

  • And what I found was my own socio-demographic background — a Black and German woman who grew up in a socially deprived area, carrying two cultures and social images within herself — and the desire to create socially influential spaces and build organisations and companies around the idea of new narratives being formed.

    As a child, I was a conversation starter. I used my natural manner of interacting with people to direct the mood of a room and stimulate conversations that led to reflection, inspiration, and good laughs. This natural gift has taken me to the stage, theatres, and prime-time movies. And although I entertained millions of people as an actress, I have never aspired to pursue a career in acting. However, acting allowed me to discover the power of storytelling, communication, and creativity, leading me to start my very first venture — a fashion label bridging the gap between a mission rooted in social impact and high-end fashion clothing.

    Looking almost a decade back, I did find a few answers to the very question I kept asking myself, and I've been invited by various organisations, platforms, and stages to share the answers I discovered and the things I built from there. I'd like to share these with you too.

    Hi, my name is Martina. Martina Offeh. I am a Speaker, Consultant & Brand Strategist.

    Welcome to my space!

What I do

I speak. I consult. I strategise.

  • Whether as a host, speaker, or facilitator, I focus on good storytelling, engaging the audience, and leaving the room with something to think about. I specialise in interviews, hosting, and discussing social impact and the intersection between culture, innovation, and impact.

  • What I was only partially aware of as an entrepreneur in the creative industry has crystallised for me in the last two years as a management consultant for tech, logistics and retail clients. If you want to be successful, you need more than just good infrastructure, clear objectives or a good product. Sustainability and effectiveness lie where products are created and consumed: in the teams and with the customer.

    Teams need a clear direction and customers want to be understood.

    Therefor I started working with early stage (1-3 years) solo founders and small teams (3-10 people) devoted to cultural sensitive products and services that answer to societies challenges and aim for a global impact. My approach focuses on brand building and defining a brand as a solution, an organisation and a symbol.

    [Find out more about what I do and insights on a few selected clients]

  • A venture is only impactful and sustainable if approached as a brand. A brand is more than visual attributes attached to an idea; it is defined by three main components: an idea or vision articulated as a solution, processes and structures established as an organisation, and marketing to customers with consistent messaging, authentic symbolism, and a creative approach to its visual language.

    Within one of my own ventures, I was able to reignite my passion for brand building and developing brand strategies. Although currently on pause, I still enjoy the resulting customer loyalty of what was once a strategy on paper.

    In 2019, from initial impulses, numerous post-It notes, and conversations, ASHES AND SOIL was born. An award-nominated fashion house based in Germany, curating a POC-branded identity in the high-end fashion sector. A brand consistent with my values and identity.

    [Learn more about ASHES AND SOIL and my approach to a consistent brand strategy]

  • "Martina is an intelligent, well-informed, and quick-witted speaker. She knows how to captivate her audience and inspire enthusiasm for her agenda. Working with Martina was a lot of fun and truly inspiring!"

    Julia H.Journalist, Moderator & Content Strategist

  • "Throughout our joint efforts in the field of Inclusion & Diversity at Apple, I could discern Martina's depth of knowledge, passion, and professionalism. Particularly in her moderation of panel talks and the execution of Inclusion & Diversity communications, I observed Martina's talent in inspiring and mobilizing Apple employees for the topic of Inclusion & Diversity."

    Aria D.

    Distribution Manager at Apple

  • "Martina Offeh is an inspiring speaker - with passion and authenticity, she connects with her audience and gets straight to the point. Illustrative, competent, and likable."

    Dr. Jörg E.

    Former CEO Apollo Optik

  • "This story gives me goosebumps. It's really great when a fashion label is not just about clothing."

    Khira Lindemann, PREMIUM Fashion Fair

    Press reviews on the first collection of ASHES AND SOIL

  • "I have been working closely with Martina on various projects for [..] months now, and I am continually impressed by her dedication and enthusiasm. [..] I learn something new from her every day. I particularly appreciate her focus on problem-solving and her reliability in seeing tasks through to completion. In addition, she also creates a very pleasant and motivating work atmosphere. I highly recommend the inspiring collaboration with Martina to everyone."

    Philip O.

    Apple Solution Consultant

  • "Martina was a great value to our team on different levels! On the one hand she managed her business very target oriented, with an enormous level of communication skills. She established great relationship to our partners to pursue her goals in a sustainable way! On the other hand she enriched us with her values and passion to do and say what's right! She was highly engaged in our company's I&D topics and initiated [formats] and held speeches to spread the word."

    Patrick J.

    Country Field Sales Manager at Apple

  • "Truly an impactful keynote!"

    Djenna W.

    Brand & Online Marketing Strategist

  • "With her effortless and competent demeanor, she has contributed significantly to the foundation and success of the association (FoGG). I found her ability to conceive and implement quickly and in a target group-oriented manner particularly outstanding. Martina has a creative eye, a sharp sense, and always strives for the highest possible potential. This high quality standard is reflected in all her works."

    Lucy L.

    Management Consultant & Social Entrepreneur

  • "Martina's ability to convey her thoughts in a clear and precise manner is simply remarkable. Her work is super important, and I am very grateful that she uses her voice and power to bring about societal change."

    Storm Westphal

    Influencer and Advocate for Diversity in the Fashion Industry

  • "We at Haiilo collaborated with Martina for International Women's Day. In her keynote titled 'Identity, intersectionality - and feminism?' she authentically portrayed why feminism must be considered holistically and intersectionality, introducing her very own approach 'Feminism+'. Thank you for that, Martina!"

    Lisa Borchert

    Diversity & Inclusion Officer - Haiilo

A few platforms we were featured by and partnered with